Thursday, September 3, 2009

Telemarketer Phone Call - I Can't Date 14 Year Olds

Hello my name is Diane and I'm with Americare. We are doing a study in your area regarding HGH. Are you familiar with HGH.

Yeah, I've heard of it. (I have no idea what HGH is).

Yeah, most people have. It's a Human Growth Hormone. Do you experience low energy, take prescription medications, are overweight, or would like to look 10 years younger?

Well, here's my problem. I would really like HGH, but I'm only 24 so if I looked ten years younger I would look like I was 14. So not only would it be harder to get into bars and rated R movies, but I'd have to start dating 14 year old girls again, you know? I can't really do that because I've gotten in trouble for that sort of thing in the past.


Yeah, and as far as a lack of energy, I'll usually just drink a Red Bull or do some coke, you know?

Oh, yeah I see. Ok, well have a nice day then.

1 comment:

  1. A+ job.
    I am going to start giving telemarketers your number so there are more posts like this :)
